My own corner where I put my thoughts, likes, projects and anything else that might come up in the near future.

Monday, December 21, 2009

My favorite things #2 (christmas edition)

I have a feeling that most of these entries will be film related....

Oh well!

Today's entry is very near and dear to my heart.

"National Lampoons Christmas Vacation"

I remember this being one of the movies that I would watch with my family from a very young age during Christmas time. Thinking back on that now it is a bit surprising that my parents would let me watch something like this at such a young age, this alone could be the reason for my twisted, warped sense of humor.


Below is just the intro to said film, probably one of my favorite parts from the whole movie.

Poor Santa, can't catch a break.

I hope everyone is getting about done with all of their shopping for this glorious time of year. If you're not done, may God have pity on your soul because the crowds will not.

Merry Christmas!

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