My own corner where I put my thoughts, likes, projects and anything else that might come up in the near future.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Light Is Calling

A short film we viewed during out "Death of Cinema" portion of my Intro to Film Studies course. A very beautiful film and thought provoking as well.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Looks pretty impressive doughn't it?

As promised, here is my latest directorial effort: The Doughopticon.

The Doughopticon from Nick Nielsen on Vimeo.

This is definitley one of my favorites that I have worked on. We had a really good cast and crew as well as an excellent producer which really helped during the rough patches.  While it was fun, it also had its challenges.  About half-way through filming I had to go to my friends wedding in Philly for a weekend so I had my good friend and fellow filmmaker Gabe Conroy guest directed the entire end sequence with the montage and the reveal.  I unsure how it would turn out in the end but I made sure to go over my storyboards with him so he would get the "feel" that I was going for.  When I finally saw the footage my worries were put to rest, to say the least  The cinematographer was my other good filmmaking buddy Sean Leonard who also the camera operator on Bluebook Odyssey who never ceases to impress me with the work that he puts out.

If I have gotten anything from the experience of directing this sketch I would say that is has rekindled my passion for filmmaking. In all the hubbub of doing very rudimentary work for KVIK I had really forgotten why I was doing this to begin with and how excited I would get to just film in general.  It also got me really excited for my short film that I am working on this summer (which I need to start writing!)

Anyway, hope you enjoy it!

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