My own corner where I put my thoughts, likes, projects and anything else that might come up in the near future.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Watch this now.

I really enjoyed the Pixar film, "Up" both in regular format and 3D.
If you haven't seen it, go and watch it then watch the video below.
If you have, watch this NOW!

hee hee

Monday, November 23, 2009

Busy week provides entertainment for the massess...

I have been extraordinarily busy this short week. Provided for your approval is one such project to be born out of this business.

I hope you enjoy!

You Would! Fall 09 Trailer from Nick Nielsen on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Funny thing happened today...


     I work with the television station on the college campus, it's called KVIK, and today I was filming a segment for one of the shows that they produce called VTV.  The segment basically comprised of my friend Ian, the interviewer, going around Red Square, a large area that is prime for social gathering, and asking people questions and getting responses. Pretty straight forward, not too hard to film and we couldn't have asked for a better day either. It was BEAUTIFUL! Not a cloud in the sky!

   The only problem that arose once we arrived in Red Square was we didn't count on there being loud jack hammering and sawing going on in the construction site adjacent to this social gathering space.  Me and Ian talked it over and decided it wouldn't be too much of a bother so we continued on.

As we were getting into the filming and having fun with it, suddenly and without warning at least 15 people walked into Red Square. Each one was carrying a large graphic picture of an aborted fetus. What they were doing there is pretty obvious.

We both were a bit taken back by the turn of events. We thought that today would be the best day for this kind of thing to be filmed and it was! The weather was amazing! Not a cloud in the sky!  With the exception of the jack hammering and the aborted fetuses, it was a wonderful day!

I guess the point of all this is that, as a filmmaker who is filming on location you never really have that much control over the elements.

And with that expectation, Murphy's Law reigns.

But, having to work with these unexpected occurrences on set is what makes this work interesting.

It keeps you on your toes.

Or, something like that.

Monday, November 9, 2009

30% chance of rain = No rain at all

Last Sunday I had another great shoot for a little short film I wrote and am co-directing.  It's called "Bluebook Odyssey" and I couldn't be more excited with how it is turning out.

Below are just a few shots of the production so far.



As we near completion I'll be posting more photo's of our shoots and the final product.

Friday, November 6, 2009


So, here we go. Following the example of some of my friends, and just wanting to have a place to post my own personal projects and experiences, I am starting a blog.

To start it off I posted a picture!

It was taken in Alaska last Summer while I worked in a salmon cannery for about a month. With all the pictures that I took, I really felt that this above all else really exemplified what Alaska was like for me. Sunny, barren, and filled with people riding ATV's on the main highway.

I might go back next summer.
